#FlyingJewels - Chasing Butterflies Across India by Isaac David Kehimkar: Talk 239

Date: 07-Sep-2024 | Time: 18:00:00

- INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)



#FlyingJewels - Chasing Butterflies Across India by Isaac David Kehimkar: Talk 239

Date: 07-Sep-2024 | Time: 18:00:00

INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

Butterflies, with their colours, graceful flight and fragility, are usually a lay person’s first port of call towards nature appreciation. Butterflies are also indicators of a healthy environment, and biologists study butterflies to detect climate change patterns. Along with bees, butterflies are important pollinators of food crops and a vital link in the food chain. That makes them the best ambassadors of the natural world. India is a hotspot for butterfly diversity, with more than 1,300 species of butterflies in the region. At our Online Talk #FlyingJewels, natural historian Isaac David Kehimkar (also known as the Butterfly Man of India) will talk about how butterflies showed him India! He will recount his experiences of chasing butterflies and how it helped him reach and explore different corners of India. His aim is to bring us closer to nature as once we fall in love with nature, we will protect it - a need of the hour. About the speaker: Isaac David Kehimkar with the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) from 1979 to 2017 where from he retired as Deputy Director (Natural History). He is presently Chairman and Director of iNatureWatch Foundation and a partner in Ladybird Environmental Consulting, LLP. He is also Consulting Editor of Hornbill, the BNHS magazine. He has written several books, including four on butterflies of India, and specialises in designing and setting-up butterfly parks and gardens in India. He is affectionately called the “Butterfly Man of India” for his work on making knowledge about butterflies accessible to amateurs.

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