#Mughlai – Food, Drink & The Early Mughals By Parvati Sharma: Talk 226

Date: 01-Jun-2024 | Time: 18:00:00

- INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)



#Mughlai – Food, Drink & The Early Mughals By Parvati Sharma: Talk 226

Date: 01-Jun-2024 | Time: 18:00:00

INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

The first four Mughal emperors, Babur, Humayun, Akbar and Jahangir, had some very definite tastes in food and drink. At our Online Talk #Mughlai, author Parvati Sharma will explore some of these tastes and opinions - from Babur's famous yearning for the melons of Kabul to Akbar's 'political vegetarianism', which was one of his many ways of building an empire - to try and paint a more intimate portrait of the early Mughal court in Hindustan.


About the speaker

Parvati Sharma has written two historical biographies of two Mughal emperors: ‘Jahangir: An Intimate Portrait of a Great Mughal’ and ‘Akbar of Hindustan.’ She has also published a collection of short stories called ‘The Dead Camel and Other Stories of Love;’ a novella, ‘Close to Home;’ and two books for children, ‘The Story of Babur’ and ‘Rattu & Poorie’s Adventures in History: 1857.’ She lives in New Delhi.

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