#HistoryIsntBoring - Writing History For Kids By Ashwitha Jayakumar : Talk 183

Date: 10-Jun-2023 | Time: 18:00:00

- INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)



#HistoryIsntBoring - Writing History For Kids By Ashwitha Jayakumar : Talk 183

Date: 10-Jun-2023 | Time: 18:00:00

INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

Writing history for anyone can be a complex task, but writing for kids can be particularly tricky. How do you avoid cliches, stereotypes and oversimplification? How do you combine rigorous research and engaging storytelling? Most important of all, how do you change the perception for kids that history is boring? At our Online Talk #HistoryIsntBoring, author Ashwitha Jayakumar speaks about her experiences in navigating these questions to craft a book of biographies of 75 notable Indians for young readers. 


About the speaker

Ashwitha Jayakumar is a writer and editor who has written and adapted several books for young readers on history, mythology and science. Her work has been published by Puffin, HarperCollins, Hachette and Pratham Books, as well as on Scroll.in and in Deccan Herald. Ashwitha has Master's degrees in English literature from the University of Edinburgh and in medieval studies from the University of Leeds.

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